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Welcome to the dawn of a new era in gaming – welcome to Ruinfall. In this blog post, I’m excited to unveil the concept behind our ambitious PBBG adventure and invite you to join us on this epic journey.

At its core, Ruinfall is designed to be completely free to play, with no pay-to-win elements. Our commitment to fairness means that only donations will be accepted, ensuring that all players have an equal chance to thrive in this unforgiving landscape. Donors may receive rewards as a token of gratitude, but rest assured, gameplay remains unaffected for everyone.

The gameplay of Ruinfall combines the click-to-survive mechanics of popular apocalyptic titles like DayZ with the strategic extraction challenges of games such as Escape from Tarkov. Picture yourself navigating through the ruins, scavenging for resources, and engaging in real-time turn-based encounters to secure your survival.

Let’s dive into what Ruinfall has to offer as its main concept.

1. Overview

Welcome to Aetheria, the sprawling stage for Ruinfall’s gripping tale. This world is as diverse as it is dangerous, featuring a central safe zone and ten distinct locales awaiting your exploration. From abandoned military outposts to desolate shopping centers, each area is rich with rare treasures and populated by formidable AI foes (zombies), including varied terrain and ever-changing weather conditions. In Aetheria, survival hinges on resourcefulness, strategy, and the savvy use of scrap credit, the universal currency that opens doors to endless possibilities.

2. Character building

Your journey in Ruinfall begins with the creation of your character, a pivotal decision that will shape your experience in Aetheria. Upon registering your account, limited to one per email address, you’ll be presented with a choice of professions, with plans for additional options in future updates. Each profession comes with its own starting gear, bonuses, and weaknesses. For instance, selecting the Engineer profession equips you with a Toolbox containing crafting materials and scrap credits. As an Engineer, you’ll enjoy a 10% boost in crafting and repair speed, allowing for more efficient resource management. However, be mindful of the trade-off, as Engineers may find themselves less effective in combat situations. Choose wisely, for your character’s path in Ruinfall is yours to forge.

3. Character overview

In Ruinfall, every character is a complex entity, defined by a myriad of stats and attributes that evolve based on your actions within the game. From essential metrics like health, energy, and stamina to vital needs such as food and water, your character’s well-being is influenced by numerous factors, both positive and negative. For instance, your character’s health and vitality may be compromised by adverse weather conditions or encounters with hostile AI. Additionally, injuries such as broken limbs or bleeding wounds can pose significant threats, necessitating caution and vigilance. As you navigate the dangers of Aetheria, keep a close eye on your character’s stats, for they are the key to survival in this unforgiving world.

4. Safe Zone

Upon finalizing your character selection, you’ll find yourself within the secure confines of Aetheria’s safe zone. Here, you’ll encounter various NPCs offering a range of services and opportunities for interaction. Engage in quests to earn rewards and reputation, trade valuable items, and contribute to the thriving community within the safe zone. Be mindful, however, as your actions may have consequences, potentially affecting your relationships with different NPCs. Approach each interaction with care and consideration, for your choices will shape your journey in Ruinfall.

5. Shelter

In Ruinfall, each player is granted their own shelter, offering a personal haven within the tumultuous world of Aetheria. This sanctuary is exclusively accessible to its owner and serves as a hub for various amenities aimed at enhancing your survival experience. From expanded storage facilities to specialized workshops, medical bays, and crafting stations, your shelter provides essential resources to aid your journey. While many of these stations can be crafted, some may require specific materials or NPC reputations to unlock.

Rest assured, your shelter is immune to direct PvP threats, ensuring a stress-free environment for players who prefer a more relaxed approach to gameplay. We understand the value of time invested in building your shelter and will ensure its security remains paramount. While future updates may introduce additional features and enhancements for shelters, for now, focus on cultivating your personal sanctuary within the chaos of Aetheria.

6. Exploration

Embark on a thrilling journey of discovery as you venture into the diverse landscapes of Aetheria. With ten unique zones awaiting exploration, each offering its own challenges and rewards, the possibilities are endless. However, time is of the essence, as you’ll have just 30 minutes per entry to gather resources, complete objectives, and extract to safety.

But beware, the world of Ruinfall is unforgiving, and failure to extract before the timer runs out will result in being “left behind,” forfeiting all items collected during your expedition and incurring a penalty upon return to the safe zone. Additionally, death in the field means losing everything carried into the zone, as well as a cooldown period to regenerate health and energy, unless opting to pay for instant recovery from the medical NPC.

With dynamic extraction points and ever-changing conditions, every journey into the unknown is a calculated risk. Whether you emerge victorious or succumb to the dangers lurking within, the choice is yours. But remember, in Aetheria, every step could lead to fortune or folly – tread carefully, for the path to survival is fraught with peril.

7. Quests

Prepare to embark on a myriad of quests offered by the NPCs scattered throughout Aetheria. From simple tasks like gathering resources to more complex challenges such as eliminating threats, the quests available will test your skills and resourcefulness. As time progresses, expect quests to become increasingly demanding, requiring careful planning and execution to succeed.

But tread cautiously, for the choices you make and the time you take to complete quests can impact your standing with NPCs. Negative repercussions may arise if you fail to fulfill obligations in a timely manner or make decisions that clash with the interests of these characters. Choose your quests wisely and consider the consequences, for your reputation in Aetheria hangs in the balance.

8. Items

Delve into the vast array of items awaiting discovery in Ruinfall, ranging from commonplace to exceedingly rare treasures. These items serve a multitude of purposes, from equipping your character for survival to crafting valuable resources or fetching a handsome price on the market.

Outfit yourself with a diverse selection of clothing and weaponry to aid you in your journey, each offering unique advantages and capabilities. From defensive gear to offensive armaments, choose wisely to optimize your chances of survival in the perilous world of Aetheria.

Medical items also play a crucial role in maintaining your health and vitality, providing essential support in the face of danger. From bandages to potent elixirs, ensure you’re well-prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead.

Additionally, ammunition and weapon attachments add depth to your arsenal, with varying tiers offering different stat enhancements for your firearms. With a multitude of ammunition types and attachment variants to explore, customization options abound as you strive to optimize your combat effectiveness in the field.

9. Events

Prepare for dynamic events that promise to inject excitement and variety into your Ruinfall experience. These events will not only shake up the gameplay but also provide opportunities for exploration and enjoyment beyond the routine of survival.

While the prototype game may not initially feature large-scale events, the vision for Ruinfall includes a plethora of engaging activities to keep players entertained. One such example is the unique “Airdrop” event, which deviates from conventional airdrops found in other games. In Ruinfall, uncovering the secrets of an airdrop requires extensive exploration and investigation. Players must gather information through NPC interactions, quests, or even discovering hidden notes scattered throughout the zones.

For instance, players may need to earn reputations with specific NPCs to unlock vital information, undertake quests to gather intelligence, or construct specialized stations within their shelter to gain insights into airdrop mechanics. This immersive approach to event design ensures that participation is not only rewarding but also deeply integrated into the core gameplay loop.

While this is just a glimpse into the possibilities, rest assured that Ruinfall’s events will offer rich and diverse experiences for players to discover and enjoy. Keep an eye out for future updates as we unveil more details about these exciting events.

10. Seekers

Introducing Seekers – the industrious agents of discovery within Ruinfall. These autonomous AI entities, affectionately dubbed “Seekers,” fulfill the role of scavengers, albeit with a unique twist befitting our game’s distinct identity.

As a player, you have the power to dispatch these Seekers on idle missions to explore the various zones of Aetheria, scavenging for items, resources, and valuable information while you’re away. Initially, you’ll choose from a roster of amateur Seekers, each with a modest chance of success. However, through diligent training or by earning favor with their leader in the safe zone, you can unlock access to more skilled Seekers capable of yielding greater rewards.

The process is simple: select the Seeker type, specify the duration of their expedition (ranging from 1 to 8 hours), and allocate the necessary resources, such as scrap credits, to fund their journey. Then, sit back and await their return, with anticipation building as you anticipate the fruits of their labor.

From humble beginnings to seasoned veterans, Seekers offer a valuable means of supplementing your own efforts in Aetheria’s treacherous terrain. Embrace the power of exploration and discovery with Ruinfall’s innovative Seeker system.

What you’ve just read is merely a glimpse into the vast potential of Ruinfall, a prototype born from my passion as a solo developer and artist. As I continue to pour my heart and soul into this project, I envision a future where Ruinfall evolves into a fully-realized, immersive gaming experience.

But Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will Ruinfall reach its full potential overnight. As a solo developer, I humbly ask for your patience and understanding as I navigate the challenges of game development. Rest assured, every moment spent crafting Ruinfall is a labor of love, with the goal of delivering an unforgettable gaming experience.

While this blog post offers a brief overview of what’s to come, there’s still much left unsaid. Join me on this journey as we delve deeper into the intricacies of Ruinfall in future blog posts. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable, so please don’t hesitate to reach out with any suggestions or thoughts you may have.

Together, let’s shape the world of Ruinfall into something truly remarkable. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to sharing more about this exciting project with you in the days to come.

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